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Primary serif font: Cormorant

The primary serif typeface for Wake Forest University is Cormorant. It is available in five weights (Light, Regular, Medium, Semibold and Bold). It also has variant styles: Garamond, Infant, Upright, Unicase and Small Caps. An elegant, readable font, Cormorant exhibits warmth and balance and is suitable for nearly any use, including cover titles, initial caps, large text, subheads, quotes and body copy.

Primary sans serif: Nunito Sans

The primary sans serif typeface for Wake Forest University is Nunito Sans. It is available in seven weights. It conveys the balance, simplicity and strength of our University. Highly legible and nuanced, Nunito has a harmonious and sensible appearance in text and is suitable for any size typography.

Script font: Bickham Script

Bickham Script is a formal script, appropriate for invitations and formal events like Commencement and convocations. It is an Adobe font, available through the Creative Cloud.